Suzanne S. Barnhill
Please tell us which version of Word you are using. In general, a dropdown
box could be a dropdown form field (if this is a protected form); for more
on forms, see http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/Customization/FillinTheBlanks.htm
and especially the forms tutorials by Dian Chapman that this article links
to. If you don't want to protect the document for forms, you could use an
AutoTextList field; see
http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/TblsFldsFms/AutoTextList.htm. If this is Word
2007, you can use a content control.
box could be a dropdown form field (if this is a protected form); for more
on forms, see http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/Customization/FillinTheBlanks.htm
and especially the forms tutorials by Dian Chapman that this article links
to. If you don't want to protect the document for forms, you could use an
AutoTextList field; see
http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/TblsFldsFms/AutoTextList.htm. If this is Word
2007, you can use a content control.