How do I create a 2 page word document with 2 different background



Working in Word 2003, I am attempting to layout a 2 page document for work
and want to place a background image. The only issue is I would like the
first page of the document has one background, and the second page to have a
different background. But when I go into the menu option to place a
background it will only allow me to select one background per document and
that background appears on all pages. Is there a way to have a 2 page
document, each page having a different background?

Herb Tyson [MVP]

Use a section break between the two pages (insert - break - next page... if
there's already a page break, you'll probably need to delete it to prevent
an extra blank page). Choose View - Header and Footer, and make sure Link to
Previous is turned off in section 2 (in the Header/Footer toolbar).

In the first section's header, use Insert - Picture to insert an image into
the header. Use the sizing controls to make it large enough to cover the
desired area. Double-click the picture and in the Picture tab, set the Image
Control Color: to Washout (assuming you want the background pictures to be
subtle... you can use the Brightness/Contrast controls to choose the desired
intensity). In the Layout tab, set Wrapping style to Behind text.

In the second section's header... do the same thing.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Or, without a section break, choose "Different odd and even" on the Layout
tab of Page Setup and add one background (watermark) to the Odd Page Header
and a different one to the Even Page Header.

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