Working in Word 2003, I am attempting to layout a 2 page document for work
and want to place a background image. The only issue is I would like the
first page of the document has one background, and the second page to have a
different background. But when I go into the menu option to place a
background it will only allow me to select one background per document and
that background appears on all pages. Is there a way to have a 2 page
document, each page having a different background?
and want to place a background image. The only issue is I would like the
first page of the document has one background, and the second page to have a
different background. But when I go into the menu option to place a
background it will only allow me to select one background per document and
that background appears on all pages. Is there a way to have a 2 page
document, each page having a different background?