Hi James,
This is what I use. I have this macro in a global template (which is in my
word startup directory) and then I create a button for this macro on a
toolbar. This loads a template named "letter.dot" that is in the user's
workgroup directory. If you know the exact path, you can just type the path
instead of having word tell you what the workgroup directory is. You can
also just record a macro of yourself loading the template and then look at
the code in it for steps.
Sub NewLetter()
Dim WorkGroupPath As String
'this gets the workgroup path on the computer
WorkGroupPath = Options.DefaultFilePath(wdWorkgroupTemplatesPath)
'the workgroup path may not end in "\" -- if it doesn't, this adds it to it.
If Right(WorkGroupPath, 1) <> Application.PathSeparator Then _
WorkGroupPath = WorkGroupPath & Application.PathSeparator
'here you are starting a document based on the template! You could just
type the whole
'template path/name here and skip the above stuff if you want.
Documents.Add Template:=WorkGroupPath & "DSM Letter.dot", _
NewTemplate:=False, DocumentType:=0
End Sub