I would create a userform with two checkboxes chkStart and chkEnd, three
textboxes txtStart, txtEnd and txtElapsed and a command button cmdClear
Then use the following code in the UserForm:
Private Sub chkEnd_Click()
Dim Hours As Long, Minutes As Long, Seconds As Long, Elapsed As Long
txtEnd.Text = Format(Now, "HH:mm:ss")
If chkEnd.Value = True Then
Elapsed = DateDiff("s", txtStart, txtEnd)
Exit Sub
End If
Hours = Int(Elapsed / 3600)
Minutes = Int((Elapsed Mod 3600) / 60)
Seconds = Elapsed Mod 60
txtElapsed.Text = Format(Hours, "00") & ":" & Format(Minutes, "00") & ":" &
Format(Seconds, "00")
End Sub
Private Sub chkStart_Click()
txtStart.Text = Format(Now, "HH:mm:ss")
End Sub
Private Sub cmdClear_Click()
chkStart.Value = False
txtStart.Text = ""
chkEnd.Value = False
txtEnd.Text = ""
txtElapsed.Text = ""
End Sub
When you check the chkStart checkbox, the start time will be displayed in
the txtStart textbox as HH:mm:ss and when the chkEnd checkbox is checked,
the txtEnd textbox will display the finish time as HH:mm:ss and the
txtElapsed textbox will display the elapese time, also in HH:mm:ss format.
The cmdClear button will remove all data from the form so that the process
can be repeated.
If you don't know how to create a userform, see the necessary parts of the
article "How to create a Userform" at:
Hope this helps.
Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.
Doug Robbins - Word MVP