How do I create a formula that pulls info. from many sheets within


Carolina Girl

I have a an excel file (Microsoft Excel 2003 version) that contains several
sheets. How do I create a new sheet with totals gathered from existing
sheets within the same excel file.

Bob Phillips

Assuming that the sheets are all of a standard format, the usual way is to
add a sheet at the start of them, say called 'First' and another at the end,
before your summary sheet, called say 'Last', and then use


The First and Lasst sheets can be hidden to avoid confusion.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

Kevin B

If the cells you want to sum are in different locations in each of the
worksheets you can use the following formula:


If they values are in the same cell in each worksheet you can use the


Change the cell addresses as needed.

Bernard Liengme

With formulas such as =SUM(Sheet1:Sheet2!A5)
You were not too specific so we do not know how the data is set out.
Try Help with the search term: consolidate
Try Google with search term: Excel consolidate sheets
One of the hits is
Then come back when you can be more specific so we can help you better
best wishes

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