How do I create a "Jeopardy" game for my students as a study tool.



I am an instructor of Army Combat Medics and I would like to create a game
that is formatted to play like the TV show "Jeopardy" whereby my students see
a panel of topics with associated point values corresponding to increasingly
tough questions. When I, as the moderator, click on the point value they have
chosen, I would like for the question to appear on the screen. Besides this,
I was wondering if there was a way to keep score based on two teams of
Currently I use Excel 2000 (ver 9.0.6926) with all the topics listed at the
column headings and the point choices (100-1000) underneath. When a student
asks for a specific value, for example "topic A for 300 points", I look up in
my study guide for the question I have chosen for that value and ask him the
question and he gives the answer out loud. If he gets it correct I use the
background color button to highlight that block for his team color and add
the points on the board.
Although this method is working it would present a more professional
appearance and a more fun atmosphere to have all of these actions included in
the program. Can anyone suggest anything to help?

Bob Kilmer

Excel Jeopardy? Gosh! Where do we start? Where does it end? The code below
is very basic, but an idea. There are a lot of ways you can go with this,
depending on your preferences, skills, and the time you have to devote to
it. (Hmmmm... has it been done? Google?)

You can store and manage the "answers" in a hidden worksheet or worksheets,
and have events call and display them when someone clicks on a cell. Could
be designed so worksheets or ranges contain a complete set of answers for a
game and are easy to swap. I have hard-coded the answers below. (On
Jeopardy, the contestants are given the answers and respond with questions,
right?) The current cell value could be allocated to a team and the cell
colored and disabled by clicking a button for a team after it gives a
correct question, perhaps.

Option Explicit

'put in a worksheet serving as the game board
'clicking a cell shows an answer, to which a
'contestant must resond with a question.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim ans As String

Select Case Target.Address
Case Range("A1").Address
ans = "George Washington"
Case Range("A2").Address
ans = "Abraham Lincoln"
Case Range("A3").Address
ans = "Andrew Jackson"
Case Range("A4").Address
ans = "Ben Franklin"
Case Range("A5").Address
ans = "Thomas Jefferson"
Case Range("A6").Address
ans = "Betty Crocker"
End Select

Select Case Target.Address
Case Range("B1").Address
ans = "gauze"
Case Range("B2").Address
ans = "Bandaid"
Case Range("B3").Address
ans = "sling"
Case Range("B4").Address
ans = "gurney"
Case Range("B5").Address
ans = "tourniquet"
Case Range("B6").Address
ans = "meat cleaver"
End Select

MsgBox ans

End Sub

Bob Kilmer

This (and many) implement showing the collection of answers and questions as
links among workbooks, and use formulas to reference a data sheet.

Bob Kilmer

links among worksheets, I sould say...

Bob Kilmer said:
This (and many) implement showing the collection of answers and questions as
links among workbooks, and use formulas to reference a data sheet.


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