How do I create a new data base & use forms & queries for an exis.


Ms Toolman

I have an existing Access data base & I want to create a new one for a
different company same forms, queries but new data? Each time I try to
export the forms, queries etc I get a box "Enter parameter value"
IDNumber.... and then the program shuts down and restarts. Over and over

Damian S

Hi Ms Toolman,

Option 1:
Make a copy of the actual database file and back end data file (if the
database is split) and then delete the data from the copy of the back end.
Link the front end to the blank back end.

Option 2:
Create a new blank database. Click File->Get External Data->Import. Find
your database, then select all Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports, Macros and
Modules. For the tables, select "Structure only" and ensure that Import
Relationships is also selected. Import, then compact and repair.

Hope this helps.


John W. Vinson

I have an existing Access data base & I want to create a new one for a
different company same forms, queries but new data? Each time I try to
export the forms, queries etc I get a box "Enter parameter value"
IDNumber.... and then the program shuts down and restarts. Over and over

Do you want to create a new Database - a new .mdb file with multiple
Tables, Forms, Reports, etc.?

If so, just copy your existing .mdb file; run a Delete query to empty
each of your tables; and start over.

Or do you want to create a new Table for each company?

If so... DON'T. Instead, add a CompanyID field and a Company table,
and base your Form on a query selecting just one company.

John W. Vinson [MVP]

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