How do i create a one time pop up window?



I want to create a pop up window that announces my 26th anniversary sale..
but one to pop up one time after user moves mouse and to pop up the size of
the page (pop1.htm) its only likea half of page. Ive got it in there but it
keeps popping up everytime the mouse is moved... i only want it once unless
page is refreshed or something.

Mike Mueller

"UsedCarMan82" <[email protected]>
wrote in message
:I want to create a pop up window that announces my 26th
anniversary sale..
: but one to pop up one time after user moves mouse and to
pop up the size of
: the page (pop1.htm) its only likea half of page. Ive got
it in there but it
: keeps popping up everytime the mouse is moved... i only
want it once unless
: page is refreshed or something.

I've been trying to stay away from popups, as there
functionality is going away by #1 popup blockers and #2
tabbed browsers.
What I would probably do is to use a fake popup via CSS. You
would place the popup info into a seperate division, styled
to layer ontop of the page contents. A link can be placed in
that layer to fire a javascript which will use CSS to hide
the div

A quick sample can be found here:

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