how do I create a search facility



Is there a way to create a search facility within publisher using a database
of dates and venues as the search parameters, the results of which link to
pages within the site?


Perhaps use the insert html code fragment tool with the google search
feature? Go to google to find.



Hi David,

Thanks for the response, but I do not think that I expressed myself to well
in my earlier mail or I have misunderstood your response. My problem is this.
I have an existing excel/access database giving a list of events by date,
name of event and venue. Is it possible to insert this database into my
website and utilise a search facility to perform tasks such as searching for
events within a specified date range?

I am a new publisher user and have managed to create most of my site
already, but have come unstuck at this point.




Publisher is intended for simple static webpages, and probably does not
offer the dynamic functionality you least not directly. It was my
guess that you could somehow incorporate the Google search feature to
accomplish what you want to do. You may be better served by switching to or some other application that offers this dynamic feature.

I am not sure how I would approach this using Publisher, but perhaps you
could incorporate a calendar with links to pages of events? A table with
links to events and dates? Create a "monthly' page(s)? You do have the
options of inserting calendars, schedules, list of activities etc. Check
under View > Task Page > Website Options > Add functionality and try Display
a calendar or schedule, and see if that gives you what you want.

However you do it, you might want to build your site with multiple Publisher
documents so you can change the time sensitive parts of your website more
easily. To understand more about how to build your web site with multiple
Pub docs, and how you might link that material together, read: "Building a
web site with multiple Publisher web publication files":

You could also incorporate script that would open those "calendar" pages in
a new window when you click on a link, which could be closed after viewing,
and leaving the original window available. Here is an article about that:
"Hyperlinks that open a new browser window"

Hope this leads to a solution for you...


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