Hi L.,
To add one bit to Susan's reply, in Office Picture Manager the thumbnails are basically, as you mentioned, just views. You can use
the Export Pictures feature and set it to the Email Small 160x160 pixel size, but be sure you pick an empty folder for the
destination (it will default to the same folder you're in).
You can also create a set of thumbnails in the Powertoy or in packages such as
http://irfanview.com if you don't have a graphics
editing package. Be sure to check your settings when doing so, so that you are creating a new set of graphics in thumbnail size
rather than replacing your current graphics.
Can a thumbnail be created in Picture Manager? I have tried looking it up
online but only get information which is either not related to Picture
Manager or is about the thumbnail view on Picture Manager.>>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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