How do I create a Top 5 percent report?



I'm new to Access, so please treat me like an infant.

What I'm trying to do is create a report that will show the Top 5 Best/Worse
product testers on a daily/weekly basis, based on the number of good and bad
tests they produce. I know that a report starts with a Query, but I have no
idea where to go from there. All the core information is established, I just
need this specific report.

Any and all assistance is GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!


Jeff Boyce

Open the query in design view. Open the Properties window for the query.
Use the TOP property and set it to 5.

If you also want the bottom 5, open the query in design view. Sort
(descending). Use the TOP property and set it to 5.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


Thanks, Jeff!

I was able to set the TOP property to 5 and it worked, but I have a couple
of follow up questions.?

In the Query, I'm using two Fields ("Tester" & "Test was:"). The Tester
field obviously contains all the the testers contributing to the database;
but the Test was: field contains three options (Bad, Good, & Good w/ Notes).
My can I single out the Top 5 Good tests, and the Top 5 Bad
tests based on the number submitted?

My second question...I was unable to select the "descending" option while in
Design View. I can see it on the Home tab, however it's not open for
selection. Am I completely off base on that?

Thank you again for your assistance! This is a great lesson for me.


Jeff Boyce

see comments in-line below...

RasJr. said:
Thanks, Jeff!

I was able to set the TOP property to 5 and it worked, but I have a couple
of follow up questions.?

In the Query, I'm using two Fields ("Tester" & "Test was:"). The Tester
field obviously contains all the the testers contributing to the database;
but the Test was: field contains three options (Bad, Good, & Good w/
My can I single out the Top 5 Good tests, and the Top 5 Bad
tests based on the number submitted?

If you only have two fields, how are you deciding what represents the "Top
My second question...I was unable to select the "descending" option while
Design View. I can see it on the Home tab, however it's not open for
selection. Am I completely off base on that?

When I use design view of a query, one of the rows in the bottom pane is
Thank you again for your assistance! This is a great lesson for me.



Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP


If you only have two fields, how are you deciding what represents the "Top

I'm not sure...What I'm wanting is a report that will show the Top 5 Good
testers with the least amount of "Bad" tests to their name, and (hopefully in
the same report) the Top 5 Bad testers with the most "Bad" tests to their

I created a pie chart using the "Tester/Test was:" Query, and assumed that
if tweaked a bit could display a Top 5 Good/Bad report.

One thing that I would think to add would be the "ID" feild, which holds
each tester's individual ID #...but again, I'm a novice with Access.


Jeff Boyce

I'm still not visualizing how you'd get from the data you have to the report
you want.

Are you saying that your definition of how "good" a tester is is based on a
comparison between the number of "good" tests they have and the number of
"bad" tests? Wouldn't that require first finding these numbers for each
person, then doing the calculation (you don't say HOW you calculate this),
THEN finding the top 5 with the best "score"?


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

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