How do I create a very large photo gallery?



I am in charge of my daughter's very large drill team web site. I will post
200 -400 photos per week. I would also like to have 3 options for size of
photo for users to chose from. I am considering placing a small photo on my
site and theothers on a photo gallery site. Thank you for your help.
(e-mail address removed)

Dave B.

If you want a free solution, look at Jalbum, stay away from Fronpages


Thank you Dave for your input. I looked at Jalbum a little. I will go back
and take a longer look.


Sorry last reply is blank. I had to log back in.

I just purchased (haven't opened yet) Photoshop Elements. PS is not in my
budget right now. I downloaded Arles Image Web Page Creator 6.2, but haven't
tried it yet. I am hoping one of them will work well.


Trevor L.

Doug said:
I am in charge of my daughter's very large drill team web site. I
will post 200 -400 photos per week. I would also like to have 3
options for size of photo for users to chose from. I am considering
placing a small photo on my site and theothers on a photo gallery
site. Thank you for your help.
(e-mail address removed)

I know that others have answered but here is my 2 (Australian) cents worth

I recommend Fotopic as a free gallery site. My wife and I (and a few other family members) find it great

On my website (below) I have links to the galleries on Fotopic (See Picture Album page).

It would also be possible to have a set of thumbnails linking to the images on Fotopic but it very tedious to set up.

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

JAlbum is much mo' flexible/skinnable. However....200-400 images a week will
make you loco in about 2 months (I know).

You WILL also want IrFanview so you can batch process, resize, optimize,
rename your's free and extremely good.

You WILL also need a good image sorter (for lack of a better term that I
can't think of). I use ACDSee Pro but the free google thing Picassa is good
too, once you get used to it. I shoot lots of pix every month and it's a
nightmare to rate/sort images without a program like ACDSee or whatever you
choose for this....something to organize your workflow, culling/sorting of

| Sorry last reply is blank. I had to log back in.
| I just purchased (haven't opened yet) Photoshop Elements. PS is not in my
| budget right now. I downloaded Arles Image Web Page Creator 6.2, but
| tried it yet. I am hoping one of them will work well.
| Doug
| >
| >
| > "Dave B." wrote:
| >
| > > Also, if you have Photoshop, it has a not too bad gallery creator.
| > >
| > > | > > > Thank you Dave for your input. I looked at Jalbum a little. I will
go back
| > > > and take a longer look.
| > > > Doug
| > > >
| > > > "Dave B." wrote:
| > > >
| > > >> If you want a free solution, look at Jalbum, stay away from
| > > >> galleries!
| > > >>
| > > >> | > > >> >I am in charge of my daughter's very large drill team web site. I
| > > >> >post
| > > >> > 200 -400 photos per week. I would also like to have 3 options for
| > > >> > of
| > > >> > photo for users to chose from. I am considering placing a small
| > > >> > on
| > > >> > my
| > > >> > site and theothers on a photo gallery site. Thank you for your
| > > >> > Doug
| > > >> > (e-mail address removed)
| > > >>
| > > >>
| > > >>
| > >
| > >
| > >

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