From the form field properties - add help text there are two tabs - Status
Bar and Help Key (F1)
Status Bar as its name suggests puts help text in the status bar
Check the Type your own radio button and type the help text in the window.
Obviously the space available on the status bar limits what you can
practically write there.
The Help Key tab works in a similar way except that you can write more text
and it displays in a pop-up box when you press F1 with the field selected.
Both tabs have an autotext option which instead of using the typed-in text
use the content of a pre-existing autotext entry that you can pick from a
A third method you can use is to add an autonew macro to display a messages
to direct user attention to the status bar e.g.
Sub AutoNew()
Dim sMsg As String
Dim sVer As Integer
sMsg = "Refer to status line at bottom of screen for field entry details" _
& vbCr & "Use the tab key to move between fields"
sVer = Application.version
If sVer < 12 Then
Assistant.On = True
Set Balloon = Assistant.NewBalloon
With Balloon
.Text = sMsg
.Button = msoButtonSetOK
.Animation = msoAnimationBeginSpeaking
End With
MsgBox sMsg, vbInformation, "User Information"
End If
End Sub
This is only really practical if you are distributing the form as a
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Graham Mayor - Word MVP
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