How do I create Cross References for SEQ fields


Glen Perry


I am trying to build a document ( Training Guide ) that has an Appendix at
the end of the document that contains a list of 'Exercises' for people to do
as part of their training. I have done this successfully by inserting a SEQ
field. ie.

Exercise 1

Please do bla bla bla

Exercise 2

Please do xyz etc etc

The word Exercise is typed, but the numbers are the SEQ fields. That way,
when I insert / delete exercises, the remaining exercises re-number
themselves automatically which is what I want.

The second part of what I want to do is to create some form of cross
reference / hyperlink in the main part of the document to direct the user to
the relevant Exercise # and for this cross reference / hyperlink to be
automatically updated if the Exercise # changes in the Appendix.

I tried using heading styles and numbers, but wasnt getting very far. Does
anyone have any suggestions for me as to the best way to do this ?

Many Thanks


Stefan Blom

Bookmark the appropriate SEQ fields and then insert cross-references to each
bookmark. Cross-references make use of REF fields, which can be updated by
switching to Print Preview and back (you can use Ctrl+F2 as a toggle).

If you need to do this frequently, you may want to define a caption label
named "Exercise" and then insert your Exercise captions whenever you need
numbered excercises. The label will then be listed as a "Reference type" in
the Cross-reference dialog box, and you don't have to manually create any
bookmarks (Word creates hidden bookmarks for you).

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message
news:[email protected]...

Glen Perry

Thanks Stefan.

The only issue I see with this approach is that I need to name each of my
Bookmarks, and if I name them as 'Exercise 1' etc etc, what will then happen
is that if I insert additional exercises, the SEQ function will increase the
exercise number ( which is what I want ), so Exercise 3 will then become
Exercise 4, but the bookmark to exercise 4 will still be called Exercise 3.
Any ideas ?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You could follow Stefan's second suggestion and use a caption label:

"If you need to do this frequently, you may want to define a caption label
named 'Exercise' and then insert your Exercise captions whenever you need
numbered excercises. The label will then be listed as a 'Reference type' in
the Cross-reference dialog box, and you don't have to manually create any
bookmarks (Word creates hidden bookmarks for you)."

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