Dale said:
I need to create graph paper; however I am unsure how to create a table in
which the rows & columns are the same size. Please advise.
How to create graph paper in Word
This looks like a big project but having done it once, you can create a
graph in a couple of minutes. On most systems this process will make a graph
that when printed, will be scaled accurately. There are many variations
possible on this theme but these are the basics and will suffice for many
different graphs.
1. Open a new Word Document.
2. Bring up the Draw menu by selecting View/Toolbars/Drawing.
3. Select Draw/Grid and set the Horizontal and Vertical spacing according
to the finest line spacing you want on your graph.
4. Set the Horizontal and Vertical Origins to 0.
5. Select Snap objects to grid
Draw the vertical lines of the graph
1. Select the Line tool from the Draw menu. A large square with the
message “Create your drawing here.†will appear. Hit the Esc key and draw a
short (~1â€) vertical line in the upper left corner of your page.
2. Place the cursor on the line and double click to bring up the Format
AutoShape menu.
3. Select the Colors and lines menu and set the Line Color to the desired
color (Sky Blue works well). Set the Line Weight to 0 pt and select OK.
4. Select the Select Objects tool on the Draw menu. It’s the upward left
slanting cursor like arrow usually located next to the Draw tool.
5. Select the line and, while holding the left mouse button down, press the
Ctrl key and drag a new line to the right one grid space.
6. Select both lines by moving the cursor to the upper left of the lines
and while holding the left mouse button down, drag the selection window
around the lines and release.
7. Select several lines and, while holding the left mouse button down,
press the Ctrl key and drag the new lines to the right of the old ones by one
grid space.
8. Repeat this process until you have the number of lines you want in a
grid section (usually 8 or 10).
9. Double click the rightmost line and change its Line Weight to .25 pt.
10. Select all of the lines and copy them to the right. Repeat until you
have the desired number of grid elements.
11. Select all of the lines and select the Draw/Align or Distribute/ Align
Top to align all of the grid lines. While all of the lines are selected, you
can move them using the keyboard UP, Down, Left and Right arrow keys.
12. Select all of the lines and select the Draw/Group command to group all
of the vertical lines together. Later you will adjust the height of the
vertical lines.
Draw the horizontal lines of the graph
1. Select the vertical line group and copy it below the first group.
2. Select the new group and select Draw/Rotate or Flip/Rotate Right to
create horizontal lines.
3. Move the new group to the upper left of your page and select Draw/Ungroup.
4. Select subgroups of lines and copy them below the existing lines until
you have the desired number of horizontal lines.
5. Select all of the horizontal lines, Align Left and Group them.
6. Select the horizontal line group. Small circles or Handles will appear
at the corners and at the center of each side of the group. With the cursor
on the right side center circle, click and drag it to the right until the
desired width is achieved.
Complete the Graph
1. Select the vertical line group and drag the bottom center circle to
achieve the desired size.
2. Add a border if desired using the Draw/Rectangle tool and Format
AutoShape and set the Fill Color to No Fill and adjust any other parameters
to get the look you want.
3. While not necessary, it is a good idea to select the whole graph and
Group it together as a final step.
4. Deselect the Select Objects tool and add any titles you desire, save and
I hope this helps.
Bill Ross