Jay described the process of creating a text box, then selecting Format,
Borders and Shading to place lines above and below text only. He then
commented that in Word 2007 it's all automated - but I can't do it in Word
2007! There doesn't seem to be any "Borders and Shading" option - only
options to place borders all around, or to fill, shadow, 3D etc. Nothing to
select where the lines go! The pre-formatted text boxes are all the wrong
color and I can't find where to change the line color.
Borders and Shading to place lines above and below text only. He then
commented that in Word 2007 it's all automated - but I can't do it in Word
2007! There doesn't seem to be any "Borders and Shading" option - only
options to place borders all around, or to fill, shadow, 3D etc. Nothing to
select where the lines go! The pre-formatted text boxes are all the wrong
color and I can't find where to change the line color.