How do i create unmoving lines in Word



I am trying to creat unmoving lines in word as reference points but whenever
i put another object near the line it moves. I am not opposed to use another
program if it will work better. Is there a way to creat reference lines or
create lines that dont move in an ofice program?

Lene Fredborg

If you only need the lines on the screen (not in print), you can display
drawing gridlines:

Display the Drawing toolbar and select Draw > Grid. In the Drawing Grid
dialog, define the desired grid settings. Turn on "Display gridlines on
screen" and click OK.

Lene Fredborg
DocTools - Denmark
Document automation - add-ins, macros and templates for Microsoft Word

Keith Howell

Specify text wrappiig of say 'behind text' for your object and then you
should be able to move it near to or over your lines

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