How do I crop a photo into a circle shape?


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Insert a Circle Shape into your document, then right click on it and from
the shortcut menu, click on Format AutoShape and then on the Colors and
Lines tab of the Format AutoShape dialog, click on the Fill Effects button
and then on the Picture tab of the Fill Effects dialog and then use the
Select Picture button to select the picture that you want to fill the

Hope this helps.

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Doug Robbins - Word MVP


What version of Word - that's always important to know :) - but this is an
alternative to Doug's suggestion...

If 2007, select the picture then go to the Picture Tools Format tab of the
Ribbon. In the Picture Styles group click the Picture Shape button & pick
what you want. You can then adjust size & proportion as with other shapes.

You can do basically the same in 2003 but the procedure is a bit different.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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