how do I cross reference text between two documents



New to the groups, have searched but can't find anything that already
answers this...

I have two word documents.
doc 1 is a list of about 25 names. Our VIP Client List, for example
doc 2 is a schedule of meetings (a report formatted into a word doc by a 3rd
party application)

I'd like to take doc 2 and be able to find any instances of names that
appear on doc 1. Both docs will have correct spelling as the 3rd party app
uses drop-down lists to enter these names, reducing the risk of a mis-typed

I'm pretty sure Excel can do this better, but the 3rd party app won't output
to a useful Excel document...

Any help would be much appreciated.

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?bWFyY3R5c29u?=,
I have two word documents.
doc 1 is a list of about 25 names. Our VIP Client List, for example
doc 2 is a schedule of meetings (a report formatted into a word doc by a 3rd
party application)

I'd like to take doc 2 and be able to find any instances of names that
appear on doc 1. Both docs will have correct spelling as the 3rd party app
uses drop-down lists to enter these names, reducing the risk of a mis-typed
Can't be done without using a macro. Macro questions are better asked in a
word.programming newsgroup (better response time).

You don't mention, though, what should happen once you can display a list of
names (on a toolbar button, for example).

You should also specify the version of Word involved.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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