How do I customize the text tag when mousing over graphic?


Winterberry Woods

Over the years I've become pretty good with my FrontPage, but there are
always things I don't quite get. For instance, I have seen on many sites a
feature where you move your mouse over a graphic ir some other link and a
text bos appears that hase been customized by the developer to say something
other than the name of the particular graphic or its size. How do you get
this accomplished?

Steve Easton

For an image, right click the image, select "Picture properties" select the General tab and the box
by Text enter the text you want to display on mouseover.

For a hyperlink, right click the hyperlink, select "Hyperlink properties," click the Screen tip
button and enter the text you want to display on mouseover.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Kevin Spencer

If you can give us a URL as an example of what you're talking aboout, I
think that would help.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Neither a follower
nor a lender be.

Jon Spivey

Ideally one should use title= not alt= for the images. Alt is meant to be
shown only when the image can't be displayed, whereas title is meant to
serve the purpose the user wants. Admittedly IE gets this wrong and displays
the alt all the time but Firefox won't show the alt tag if the image itself
is displayed.

I'd add the alt tags as you describe then do a search and replace for alt =
to title=

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