How do I cut out a section of a photo?



I once stumbled onto a way to cut out an undesirable portion of a jpg photo
inserted into a Word document and I can't remember how I did it now that I
have a new computer with different default Tool Bars in Word.


Hi Victoria,

I think you might be referring to the cropping tool, which normally appears on the Picture Toolbar. You can also crop a selected
picture via Format|Picture


challa prabhu

Before placing the photo in the Microsoft Word document, do the following

Do th following:
1. Click the Start button, point to All programs, point to Accessories, and
then click Paint.
This opens the Microsoft paint progams will a untitled file file.
2. On the File menu, click Open.
The Open dialog box appears.
3. In the File type of type list, select JPEG, and then click the filname
name which contains the photo.
4. Click the Open button.
This opend the photo in the paint program.
5. Click the Select icon in the Toolbox.
Specify the area you want to delete by clicking and dragging to mark the
coordinates for deleteing and then on the Edit menu, and then click the Clear
6. On the File menu, click Save as.
To save the modifed file as JPEG format.
7. Press Alt+TAB to select the Microsoft Word document that you have already
8. On the Insert menu, point to Picutre, and then click From file.
9. Select the picture and click the Insert button.

Challa Prabhu

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