How do I decrease space between slides when printing handouts?



While printing multiple slides in Powerpoint, using the handout option, I
would like to decrease the space between slides. Is there a way of doing this?


Not natively I'm afraid. As far as I know you can't adjust this, not even in
the hand-out master.
You could use the send to Word feature (File - send to - Microsoft Word).
Once the slides are in Word, delete columns and adjust row hight in the
table properties.
But maybe someone will have better ideas.
Wilmaferns said:
While printing multiple slides in Powerpoint, using the handout option, I
would like to decrease the space between slides. Is there a way of doing

TAJ Simmons


Unfortunately the white space around slides is fixed for the handouts
option. On the "notes" master, you can change the size of the slide, but not
on the "handouts" master.

Other alternatives to consider

File > send to word

or this addin

TAJ Simmons
microsoft powerpoint mvp

awesome - powerpoint backgrounds,
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I just went through this process with a large presentation. Once in Word,
you can delete the column showing the slide number, re-set the margins to
give you more room, highlight the table and move the column sides to make
them large. You'll need to play around with the row height to get the
biggest size with 3 slides (portrait) or 2 slides (landscape) on a page -
once you have that, highlight the table, select Table Properties and the Row
tab, select the Specify Height box and type in the size needed for the row
height. You'll have to selet each slide and size it out to fit most of the
box. I played around with settings and printing for 2 or 3 pages until I
maximized the way I wanted things to be. Not hard but a bit time-consuming.

Echo S

If you can get one slide thumbnail sized the way you want it, you can click
the next thumbnail and hit F4 to repeat the sizing. That makes formatting
the individual images a lot faster. Not as fast as a macro, but still pretty
quick. :)

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