How do I delete a 250MB file in Outbox when MAPI spooler on ?



I did a dumb thing. I attached a 250MB movie file to an outgoing e-mail in
Outlook. Since my Internet Servcie Provider does not allow large files to be
sent, this large file is "stuck" in my Outbox, and is continually trying to
be transmitted. I can't find a way to delete this file, becasue the MAPI
spooler is alway on. This prevents all my post e-mails from being sent, and
I also can't receive any new EM's. What a mess! HELP - PLEASE!
Can't locate the file in SEARCH or EXPLORE, either, to delete it from a

Frank at -- Call me at 949-768-6422


Frank said:
I did a dumb thing. I attached a 250MB movie file to an outgoing
e-mail in
Outlook. Since my Internet Servcie Provider does not allow large
files to be
sent, this large file is "stuck" in my Outbox, and is continually
trying to
be transmitted. I can't find a way to delete this file, becasue the
spooler is alway on. This prevents all my post e-mails from being
sent, and
I also can't receive any new EM's. What a mess! HELP - PLEASE!
Can't locate the file in SEARCH or EXPLORE, either, to delete it from

Frank at -- Call me at 949-768-6422

Put Outlook in offline mode. Exit Outlook. Reload Outlook (it won't
try to connect since it is still in offline mode). Delete the item.
Put Outlook back in online mode.


I have Outlook 2000. Everyone is telling me to put it in Work Offline mode.
I would like to do that, but there is no such option in my File menu. How do
I get it into the Work Offline mode? Help please.


in message

You really expect anyone to waste their personal monies making a
long-distance phone call to Orange County, CA for a worldwide post in a
public newsgroup? Disconnecting the conversation by using telephone or
e-mail means anyone else with the same problem can't do a search in
newsgroups to find the answer that worked for you. If you post in
Usenet, share the results. Taking conversations offline is for when
there is sensitive information divulged that no one else should see.
I have Outlook 2000. Everyone is telling me to put it in Work Offline
I would like to do that, but there is no such option in my File menu.
How do
I get it into the Work Offline mode? Help please.

Been way too many years since I used OL2000. I don't have a copy to go
wading through the menus to look for you. Nothing in OL2000's own help
when searching on "offline"?

Microsoft has a huge support database at
Use the advanced search so you can narrow the search to a specific
product version which you didn't specify in your original post (versions
exist because of differences between them). Maybe one of the following
matches on a search will help you:

There is probably also an option to set how often OL2000 will poll for
new mails. Disable polling for now. When polling is enabled, polling
at zero time (when Outlook is started) will occur. Maybe if Outlook is
configured not to poll (i.e., you need to perform manual polls) then
maybe it won't try to transmit when you start Outlook. Again, I don't
have OL2000 to go looking through the menus.

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