How do I delete a 250MB file stuck in Outbox of Outllok 2000 ?



I did a dumb thing. I attached a very large movie file (250MB) to an e-mail
in Outlook 2000. Of course, it was too large, so it is stuck in my Outbox,
and thus, I can not receive or send other EM's. How do I delete this large
file? I can not open it since the MAPI spooler is running on it. It will
not delete from any of the delete options. How do I set up Outlook to work
offline, so maybe I can delete it once spooler is not working on the file?

Frank at 949-768-6422


When I click on File, I have no Work Offline option that comes up. I have
Outlook 2000. I have been trying to get into Offline mode for about 3 hours
now. Any suggestions?



Thanks for your help. However, my Outlook 2000 commands are different than
in Methods 2 & 3. I can't figure out how to Work Offline, and the new .pst
file didn't seem to fit the instructions you gave to me. So I opted for
Method 4, but can not locate the file, MDBVU32.EXE. Where does it reside?
Help please. Did a search and could not locate it. Also no File > Work
Offline option in my File menu.

BillR [MVP]

Do you have Tools | Services?
I can't quite recall how data files and offline/online status is managed in
Outlook 2000 with CW mode but you (at least) should get access there to
create a new default PST. You can also do that via the Mail icon in Control

K. Orland

Try this:

Open Outlook. Go into your Outbox. Open the stuck email. Close it without
clicking on the Send button. Higlight it and try to delete it (use the X
delete button on your toolbar or right-click and scroll to delete).

If that doesn't work, open Outlook in safe mode: Start > Run > type in:
"outlook.exe /safe" WITHOUT the quotes, and hit enter. Then try to delete the
email from your Outox.

Let me know if that helps.

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