How do I delete a footer in a doc over multiple sections?



I have an "auto footer" that is appearing in a mail merge document. I can
not delete it globally or because of the section breaks - each one has to be
deleted individually. Global serch and replaces commands do not work either.
Any help or direction you can give me would be greatly appreciated.



Hi Clementine,

The best way to dela with this is to delete the footer from the mailmerge main document - before executing the merge.

If you can't do that, you could delete all the footers using a macro like:
Sub KillFooters()
Dim oSection As Section
Dim oFoot As HeaderFooter
For Each oSection In ActiveDocument.Sections
For Each oFoot In oSection.Footers
If Not oFoot.LinkToPrevious Then oFoot.Range.Delete
Next oFoot
Next oSection
End Sub

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