How do I delete all web pages from a server using Frontpage?



Please could someone tell me how I can delete a website from the server,
using FP, so I can republish?

The original website was published severl months ago from my old computer.
I don't have those files on this one, but I have an updated version of the
I tried to just publish it, and hoped it would replace everything, but I now
have an awful mixture of the two versions - all mashed over each other.
Thanks v much in advance.

Kevin Spencer

Open the web site, go to Folder View. Select all the content in the right
pane, and hit your DELETE key.


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
Professional Chicken Salad Alchemist

I recycle.
I send everything back to the planet it came from.

Andrew Murray

Connect with frontpage i.e. File > Publish Site etc, then delete the files
in the 'remote' file list. Just select them and delete them. Easy.

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