How do I delete all XE codes?



Is there a way to globally delete all XE codes from documents?

Before you start warning me of the dangers of doing this, please note I'm
doing this by design. We're using a concordance to automark entries.
Unfortunately the concordance had some typos and some entries that were later
deemed unnessary (either too broad or too specific). The concordance has
been updated but when it's run against the documents to automark entries, the
old codes (some now erroneous) remain and the corrected codes get added. So
now the index contains both.

Going through the documents to remove the fields one by one is both tedious
and error prone. I want to globally delete all the XE codes. The
appropriate codes can then be re-created using the corrected concordance.

So how can I globally delete the XE codes? Or is there a way to update the
codes when automarking so that anything not in the concordance gets deleted
from the documents?

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