General said:
Thank you Bg!
Maybe my file was "Reasons to fire Joseph Meehan.doc" It wouldn't do
much good to change a folder's attribute to "hide" if Word just links
to it anyway. *smiles*
But really, Joseph, that was an idea but wastes time. Thanks anyway
for the response.
Sorry I could not be of more help.
I might have sounded a little harsh.
Try to understand I have spent years dealing with employees who feared
that somehow they would get in trouble if someone saw what they were really
doing at work. I already knew what they were doing and didn't really care
as long as it did not interfere with the work they had to do. They also did
not know how easy it would be to figure out what they were trying to hide
Then there were the other third who could not find a file if it was not
on the list. They would ask me to help them find a file, when asked where
did they save it, they could only point to the recently used list, other
than that they had no idea. I would show them how to find it and where it
was stored and explain about folders/directories and two weeks later, same
problem. Oh well. They were good at what I really needed them for.