My sister doesn't want her children to see the topics of her searches on
Outlook. How can she stop Outlook from storing a history of this data
without calling in a software consultant to do stuff from
<http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/mru.htm> like: "Navigate to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\xx.0\Outlook\, where xx is your
version of Outlook." ? (How would my applicaton programm using sister do the
"navigating" to wherever this space is on her conputer? by spaceship?
People in this business no longer grasp that the average computer user in the
United States uses a language known as Standard American English.)
So, in plain language, without recourse to computer jargon or the language
of theoretical physics, how can she disable this aspect of Outlook?
If this can't be done without resort to fiddling in the registry --
something that I am loathe to do because I understand nothing about the
registry or DOS for that matter -- why hasn't "Delete Search History" been
plased on the "Tools" pulldown menu directly under "Delete Browsing History"?
I daresay that the browsing history can also be removed by folling around in
the registry, but that there would have riots in Redmond had the option not
been put into the application program.
Outlook. How can she stop Outlook from storing a history of this data
without calling in a software consultant to do stuff from
<http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/mru.htm> like: "Navigate to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\xx.0\Outlook\, where xx is your
version of Outlook." ? (How would my applicaton programm using sister do the
"navigating" to wherever this space is on her conputer? by spaceship?
People in this business no longer grasp that the average computer user in the
United States uses a language known as Standard American English.)
So, in plain language, without recourse to computer jargon or the language
of theoretical physics, how can she disable this aspect of Outlook?
If this can't be done without resort to fiddling in the registry --
something that I am loathe to do because I understand nothing about the
registry or DOS for that matter -- why hasn't "Delete Search History" been
plased on the "Tools" pulldown menu directly under "Delete Browsing History"?
I daresay that the browsing history can also be removed by folling around in
the registry, but that there would have riots in Redmond had the option not
been put into the application program.