How do i demote a page to a sub-page?



I created a section called "Hours" which has a number of pages for each week.
I'd rather have created a page called "Hours" with a number of sub-pages
for each week. I can't seem to simply create a new Page and drag all
current Pages under it creating a subpages (which is exactly what you would
do with Windows Directories).

Any ideas would be welcome. Thanks

Chris Hedlund

You can create a new page called Hours in the section and drag the existing
pages under that page as a subpage. You might have to create a blank subpage
first and place the existing pages between the main page tab and the blank
subpage tab. Simply drag the existing pages by the tabs and place them in
between the main and subpages.


Thanks Chris - that worked. I guess it wasnt obvious that I had to ceate a
dummy sub page and then drag my page up to it. I guess it makes sense now

Thanks again

Chris_Pratley \(MS\)

You can also select all the pages (Ctrl-click, Shift-Click, etc) then
right-click and choose "Group pages"

Chris (MS)

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