Dave Lett said:
Hi Paul,
What, in the end, do you want to do with your "disjoint selections"? If you
want to do the same thing to the selections, then you can simply use the
Selection object. In your example, as a user, I would highlight all the
verbs "are" and "split". Click the button to run your macro, which is
Selection.Font.Bold = True
or some other formatting.
Thanks for your response. There are quite a few things I would like to do
with any given selection. Right now, my basic functionality is to allow the
user to declare that a given selection is a certain part of speech.
Depending on what part of speech the user says the word is, the application
tabs the word over to a specified column.
Now I am already doing this (in an elementary way) with regular types of
selections. I was hoping to be able to allow the user to indicate a
noncontinguous grouping of words as a single unit of some type. I would
like to have phrases grouped with some intelligence as units, even when one
or more phrases are broken up by others.
In this example:
"For when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of
the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves."
The top-level phrase in that sentence is "For these are a law to
themselves." As I said before, I can provide the user with a way to build
the phrase a piece at a time, but if they could use the disjoint selection,
it would be much better for them.
By the way, from a little testing I did today, it looks like there is no way
I can get access to Word's disjoint selection information, so unless someone
knows a trick, I think it is likely not going to happen.
- Paul