How do i direct sent emails to specific folder



I want emails that are 'sent' to specific people to go to specific folders.
ie. when i send an email to Microsoft i want the sent email to be saved in
"Sent mail Microsoft" NOT the sent folder. Can this be done?

Brian Tillman

Mel said:
I want emails that are 'sent' to specific people to go to specific
folders. ie. when i send an email to Microsoft i want the sent email
to be saved in "Sent mail Microsoft" NOT the sent folder. Can this
be done?

Sure. Either with a rule or by specifying the destination folder on the
View>Options page.


Hi, thanks for your help. I've tried creating rules and the messages still
go to the sent folder. Not quite sure what you mean about specifying the
destination folder-i had a look under the View>option tab and couldn't see
what you meant.

Julie Tomblin

You'll have to create a new folder (i.e. "Sent mail Microsoft") by right
mouse clicking your "Outlook Today - "..... then name the folder, "Folder
contains" should be set to "Mail and Post Items", then click "OK"

Now you'll create a rule:
1. go to "Tools", "Rules Wizard..."
2. Select the "New" button. A new dialog (window) box will appear
3. select "Check messages after sending", Click "Next"
4. check "with specific words in the recipent's address"
5. under "Rule description" click the underlined "specific words"
6. Add the last part of the domain (email) you'll be sending the email to.
Example: if you were to send me an email and want to save sent messages
to anyone in my company you would add "". Microsoft would be
7. Click the "Add" button, Click "OK"
8. Click "Next"
9. Check "move a copy to the specified folder"
10. under "Rule description" click the underlined "specified" folder
11. Select the new folder you just created, click "OK"
12. Click "Next"
13. If you have any exceptions (i.e. you want emails sent to Bill Gates to
go into a folder other than the new you created)
14. click "Next"
15. Name the rule, ensure that "Turn on this rule" is checked, and click

Hope this helps


Thank you so much! That worked perfectly

Julie Tomblin said:
You'll have to create a new folder (i.e. "Sent mail Microsoft") by right
mouse clicking your "Outlook Today - "..... then name the folder, "Folder
contains" should be set to "Mail and Post Items", then click "OK"

Now you'll create a rule:
1. go to "Tools", "Rules Wizard..."
2. Select the "New" button. A new dialog (window) box will appear
3. select "Check messages after sending", Click "Next"
4. check "with specific words in the recipent's address"
5. under "Rule description" click the underlined "specific words"
6. Add the last part of the domain (email) you'll be sending the email to.
Example: if you were to send me an email and want to save sent messages
to anyone in my company you would add "". Microsoft would be
7. Click the "Add" button, Click "OK"
8. Click "Next"
9. Check "move a copy to the specified folder"
10. under "Rule description" click the underlined "specified" folder
11. Select the new folder you just created, click "OK"
12. Click "Next"
13. If you have any exceptions (i.e. you want emails sent to Bill Gates to
go into a folder other than the new you created)
14. click "Next"
15. Name the rule, ensure that "Turn on this rule" is checked, and click

Hope this helps

Brian Tillman

Mel said:
Hi, thanks for your help. I've tried creating rules and the messages
still go to the sent folder.

Do you get two copies, then, one in the Sent Items folder and on in the
folder specified by the rule? If so, you have to disable the option to save
messages in the Sent Items folder.
Not quite sure what you mean about
specifying the destination folder-i had a look under the View>option
tab and couldn't see what you meant.

In a compose window, click View>Options. In the "Delivery Options" section,
check the "Save sent message to:" and fill int he folder you want.


I am really late to this thread, just dropping in today to find out if there
is an answer to a FURTHER part of this answer. Hope someone notices me :)

Question is:

I'd already done exactly as described below (I LOVE rules!) but I do NOT
want to *move a copy* but move THE MESSAGE itself. As it is now, I have the
sent version in my sent folder AND in the redirected storage folder, and no
further option is available to specify *and delete it from the __Sent Items
__ folder* or *Move the message.* How can I keep from having this
duplication?? There's no *delete* option at all, even if I wanted to set up
a separate rule to follow that one since I can't combine the actions.

This rule applies to messages on autoforward when received thru a specified
acct that comes to my Inbox (and which needs to stay there, otherwise I'd be
able to *keep messages in folder other than Inbox* and would be able to avoid
duplication this way -- but that's unfeasible.

Any other help? I have NEVER been able to decipher *custom action* or that
would be my strategy.

Crossed fingers!


Brian Tillman

RedHeadedMenace said:
I'd already done exactly as described below (I LOVE rules!) but I do
NOT want to *move a copy* but move THE MESSAGE itself. As it is now,
I have the sent version in my sent folder AND in the redirected
storage folder, and no further option is available to specify *and
delete it from the __Sent Items __ folder* or *Move the message.*
How can I keep from having this duplication??

You have to disable the option to save a copy in Sent Items.
Tools>Options>E-mail Options. Uncheck "Save copies of messages in Sent
Items folder"


Ah yes -- all well and good, but I want to have all the OTHER mail I send
still in sent folder :-( . . . just not the ones that autofwd, which I want
to MOVE into their own folder and can now only move copies of.

Thanks for suggestion, tho.

Brian Tillman

RedHeadedMenace said:
Ah yes -- all well and good, but I want to have all the OTHER mail I
send still in sent folder :-(

Then create a catch-all rule that copies all sent messages NOT copid by the
other rules to the Sent Items folder. It's easy to configure Outlook to do
what you want.


See I KNEW there was a solution -- sometime you just have to have your nose
poked to see it. And THIS will start w/ toggling off *keep in sent.*



Hi Brian - I realise I'm even later to this thread - but can I ask is there a
special trick to setting up this catch-all rule?

How does Outlook know to apply thiis rule after applying all of the other
rules first?

Which options do I select when configuring the rule?

Would appreciate any help you can provide - obviously you are a real subject
matter expert in this field.


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