How do I disable the Compare and Merge Documents feature in Word .



I have previously released a preliminary draft of a document. I am ready to
send the final version, but I do not want others to have the ability to
compare changes between the draft and the final version (at least not
electronically). The Compare and Merge Documents feature will allow them to
do this. Is there a way to disable this feature, or somehow protect the final
version so that it cannot be merged with the draft?

Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?bWF5bmFyZA==?=,
I have previously released a preliminary draft of a document. I am ready to
send the final version, but I do not want others to have the ability to
compare changes between the draft and the final version (at least not
electronically). The Compare and Merge Documents feature will allow them to
do this. Is there a way to disable this feature, or somehow protect the final
version so that it cannot be merged with the draft?
No way to disable the feature on others' machines. If they shouldn't be allowed
to do any editing, you could protect the document as a form, then the command is
unavailable. But you need to realize if anyone inserts the document into another
document the command will be available, again.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

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