How do I display calendar only when date field is being updated?



I am trying to build a database and want to stop incorrect dates being
entered by getting users to click on a date from a calendar. I only want the
calendar to appear when the date field is being updated as it takes up a lot
of screen space. How do I get it to be hidden when I donl't need it?

Bob Miller

I am assuming you are using the Access ActiveX calendar control. Don't
It can only cause heartaches down the road, especially if you pass thi
db on to someone else and they don't have a reference to the calenda
control. Instead get one of the free calendars available from some o
the posters here like Allen Browne's at:
I realize you say you want the calendar to popup when the date fiel
has focus but since you would need to use the mouse to select the dat
you might as well select a button to popup the calendar.
Allen also has a link to Tony Toews' site whereTony has other calenda

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