How do I distribute cost among group of employees based on salary



I need to distribute benefits costs across a group of employees based on
salary. The higher the salary the higher the portion of benefits cost. I have
a group of 70 employees, total benefit costs of 1.4m.
Thanks for your help!

Jacob Skaria

Suppose you have your data in this format with headers in row 1

A2:A71 --Employee Names
B2:B71 --Current Salary
Try this formula in C2 and copy that down upto c71

= B2/SUM($B$2:$B$71)*1400000

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T. Valko

Get the total salary of all employees.

Figure out what percentage of the total salary each employee's salary is.
Then each employee's share of the benefits is equivalent to their percentage
of the total salary.

For example, employee1 makes 5% of the total salary so employee1's share of
the total benefit cost is 5%.

Bob I

Each persons share equals that employees salary divided by Total Salary
Cost, times total benefit cost.

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