Gord Dibben
The add-in, Compare.xla written by Myrna Larson and Bill Manville, allows
you to compare the contents of two workbooks and highlight differences.
Look for Compare.xla at 14-June-2000
Download Compare.xla and add it with rest of your your add-ins.
On Tools Menu, select add-ins and check in (tick in)Compare Worksheets.
From tools menu then select Compare Sheets and follow instructions.
Gord Dibben Excel MVP
The add-in, Compare.xla written by Myrna Larson and Bill Manville, allows
you to compare the contents of two workbooks and highlight differences.
Look for Compare.xla at 14-June-2000
Download Compare.xla and add it with rest of your your add-ins.
On Tools Menu, select add-ins and check in (tick in)Compare Worksheets.
From tools menu then select Compare Sheets and follow instructions.
Gord Dibben Excel MVP