How do I do a return between names in a Macro




I am pretty new at this programming macros in Word 2003 and need help with
the proper language/or how I get a space between names (i.e., see below)

University of California
University of Orgeon
University of Florida

Jean-Guy Marcil

tdecarli said:

I am pretty new at this programming macros in Word 2003 and need help with
the proper language/or how I get a space between names (i.e., see below)

University of California
University of Orgeon
University of Florida

What are you doing exactly? Your probelm is pretty nebulous, to say the least.

Do you need a space between the words or the lines?
What are you programming? (I.e, what is your macro doing, overall?)
Are these 3 examples above variables you are trying to incoprorate into a
Is your macro trying to add the spaces? Is that all it is doing?
Is the macro supposed to act on these 3 lines of text as they are found in a
Have you tried to write any code?

fumei via

All good questions. Extrapolating from the subject of the post "how do I do
a return...", you apparently are asking about adding the Enter (or Return)
key effect. However, if you are going to work in programming in Word, you
have to learn to very specific and explicit.

"space" is very different from putting a paragraph mark (the effect of
pressing Enter/Return).

A string:

"University of Orgeon" & vbCrLf & "University of Florida"

would come out as:

University of Orgeon
University of Florida

University of Oregon, followed by a carriage return / line feed, followed by
University of Florida

However, Jean-Guy asks some good questions that you should give some

Jean-Guy Marcil said:
[quoted text clipped - 4 lines]
University of Orgeon
University of Florida

What are you doing exactly? Your probelm is pretty nebulous, to say the least.

Do you need a space between the words or the lines?
What are you programming? (I.e, what is your macro doing, overall?)
Are these 3 examples above variables you are trying to incoprorate into a
Is your macro trying to add the spaces? Is that all it is doing?
Is the macro supposed to act on these 3 lines of text as they are found in a
Have you tried to write any code?

Jean-Guy Marcil

fumei via said:
All good questions. Extrapolating from the subject of the post "how do I do
a return...", you apparently are asking about adding the Enter (or Return)

I always forget to make the connection between the subject line and the
body. I usually dismiss the subject line. My bad.
Personally, when I ask a question, I make sure that the body is
comprehensive. I use the subject line as nothing more than an attention
grabber. I always forget that some people start asking the question in the
subject line and finish in the body. Some people, and this is a pet peeve of
mine, even forego the use of the body part all together...

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