How do I do a rule for a blank "To" field?


Ray Stevens

I want to move any SPAM messages that don't contain anything in the To or
From or Subject field into the junk folder. How do I do this?


Ray Stevens said:
I want to move any SPAM messages that don't contain anything in the To
From or Subject field into the junk folder. How do I do this?

Think in reverse. Instead of testing a message doesn't have a character
or string in the header and then perform the function, instead do the
function unless the header has the character or string. Move to junk
folder EXCEPT if the header contains "a" or "e" or "i" or "u" or a digit

Ray Stevens

There is no way to to do as you suggest!

Vanguard said:
Think in reverse. Instead of testing a message doesn't have a character
or string in the header and then perform the function, instead do the
function unless the header has the character or string. Move to junk
folder EXCEPT if the header contains "a" or "e" or "i" or "u" or a digit

Post replies to the newsgroup. Share with others.
For e-mail: Remove "NIX" and add "#VN" to Subject.

Judy Gleeson

oh yes there is.

When messages arrive, select no criteria (you'll get an info message - keep
going) then set the action, then set the exceptions.

Judy Gleeson
Acorn Training and Consulting

Everyone - turn on your Advanced Toolbars and learn how to use the Field
Chooser and Group by Box!!

Ray Stevens

Hi Judy,

How do you put a range of characters in such as (0-9), which doesn't work?
Is there more documentation on Outlook rules? There is not very much in the
Help file.

Ray Stevens

Brian Tillman

Ray Stevens said:
How do you put a range of characters in such as (0-9), which doesn't

Yes it does. Enter "0", click Add. Enter "1", click Add. Enter "2", click
Add. Etc.


I've done the same!

Nice to see other people with the same spam getting through!

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