How do I do an entended budget, with only high and low figures?


Just Me Again!

I have a high and a low income or expense figure. I need to project the
budget for a 12 month period, based on these two figures, for each item. How
do I do this?

Sandy Mann

I thnk that you are going to have to explain what you are trying to do a bit


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

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Just Me Again!

I thank you for your post, Sandy. I am taking a softwares application class
that is exploring the new 2007 Excel program. My professor has assigned us
to prepare a 12 month budget for a fictitious family. He provided an
estimated income, including the lowest the two people could make in a month
and the highest they could make in a month, as well as categories for
expenses, also including the highest they would pay for each expense in month
and the lowest they would pay in a month. I have no problem developing 4
possible budgets, using these figures in the possible combinations.(meaning
highest combined income with the highest combined expenses, lowest combined
income with lowest combined expenses, highest combined income with lowest
combined expenses and lowest combined income with highest combined expenses)
However, he wants us to produce a 12 month forecast, using these same
figures. I was wondering if there was an option, in the new Excel, that
could do a forecast for the next twelve months, using just the figures given,
that would guestimate a possible budget for the 12 months. Have you heard of
a function that would do this, using averaging or a graded schedule option?

I hope this helps clear up my request. I truly appreciate anyone that can
give me suggestions. Figuring out budgets using supplied figures is easy.
Forecasting based on possibilities is not as easy. :) :(


Just Me Again! (Lynda)

Sandy Mann


I don't know of any such function in XL2007 but then I don't have that
version. Perhaps someone that has 2007 will be able to tell you for sure.


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

(e-mail address removed)
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Just Me Again!

Sandy, I thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my posting,
whether you knew the answer or not. It is nice that you at least let me know
that someone out there was trying. As it turned out, I did not need to use a
specific program. However, I did find out, through my many postings that
there actually is a book and I think a CD that is specifically designed to do
forecasting budgets. It is available through, Boarders and one
other place that I did not recognize. The option was
significantly less that the other places, as it usually is. I only order
books and CD's or DVD's from Amazon any more. They also have free shipping
on anything purchased from them. Amazon also has a program for people to
sell their new or used product, for even more of a savings. It is really
worth the look, if you do need to buy other programs.

Again, thank you for answering and trying. I really appreciated it.


Lynda G. Lindblom
aka Just Me Again!

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