How do I do the inverse of tan in Excel?



I know how to use the tan function in Excel 2003, but I need the inverse of
tan written as 1/tan or tan^-1) for a set of equations I'm doing. I've tried
various combinations of writing it with brackets to separate terms but it
still says there is an error.

Ron Coderre

Per Excel Help:

Returns the arctangent, or inverse tangent, of a number.

Is that what you're looking for?
(If not, check Excel's math and trig functions.)


XL2002, WinXP-Pro

Bernard Liengme

I think we have a language problem here.
Inverse of a trig function is the TAN^1(x) not (TAN(x))^-10.
We talk about Arcsine, Arctan so we use ASIN, ATAN
best wishes

Harlan Grove

Bernard Liengme wrote...
I think we have a language problem here.
Inverse of a trig function is the TAN^1(x) not (TAN(x))^-10.

^-1 rather than ^-10.

The proper term for 1/x is the reciprocal of x. Inverse is a more
general term which needs context such as additive, multiplicative or
We talk about Arcsine, Arctan so we use ASIN, ATAN
best wishes

As for arctangents, when possible, better to use ATAN2 than ATAN since
the former can handle 90 and 270 (or -90) degree angles.

Niek Otten

Hi Bernard,

I was afraid of that, but took the OP's text literally:

<written as 1/tan or tan^-1>

Hopefully we get some sort of feedback to see what the intention was

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