Wayne Robinson
OK all of you knowledgeable folks, I have got one for you (it should take
you all of 10 seconds, but I'm a tax guy).
Tax research database that stores tax info (rules, rate, exceptions etc.).
My users want to see a product (software) and topic (tax) combination when
they create a tax rule. A product may a distinct topic, but a topic can have
many products.
What I did was to create separate tables for the topics and products (and
created autonumber fields for each). I linked the 2 tables to create a
"Combined Topic" (product \ topic) field via a query.
All of the forms, macros etc work great, but as I was splitting the db to fe
and be I got an exception error (something out of range).
My real question is, given that the "Combined Topic" (product \ topic) won't
change much, should I just create a table of the "Combined Topic" and move
on. I was trying not to repeat info, but it seems to be easier to just store
the data I need for my users (they are used to ("Combined Topic") and that
would eliminate them from having to select a STATE, PRODUCT, TOPIC in order
to create rules
Kindest regards,
you all of 10 seconds, but I'm a tax guy).
Tax research database that stores tax info (rules, rate, exceptions etc.).
My users want to see a product (software) and topic (tax) combination when
they create a tax rule. A product may a distinct topic, but a topic can have
many products.
What I did was to create separate tables for the topics and products (and
created autonumber fields for each). I linked the 2 tables to create a
"Combined Topic" (product \ topic) field via a query.
All of the forms, macros etc work great, but as I was splitting the db to fe
and be I got an exception error (something out of range).
My real question is, given that the "Combined Topic" (product \ topic) won't
change much, should I just create a table of the "Combined Topic" and move
on. I was trying not to repeat info, but it seems to be easier to just store
the data I need for my users (they are used to ("Combined Topic") and that
would eliminate them from having to select a STATE, PRODUCT, TOPIC in order
to create rules
Kindest regards,