How do I download a file into Publ03 that is on the web?



I am trying to download a genealogy site that I developed some time ago. Due
to a computer crash I lost all of it on my computer. I want to download the
site back into Publisher to make some update. Help!!!

Don Schmidt

If you created your website with Publisher and the Publisher file gets
corrupted or deleted you have no option but to start over with a new
Publisher file.


After you are chastised and beat up a bit for not backing up your Publisher
file, this article gives you a way to rebuild your site: "Common Sense
Computing 101 aka "Why in the world would you lose your publisher file?":

I know this is a bit of salt in the wounds, but I bet you follow some of his
advice about backing up your files in the future, especially given what a
pain it is to rebuild your site.


Don Schmidt


After I built my first Publisher website, I thought, "Don't need the pub
file anymore." So I deleted it. Ouch!

The process is, start over.


Hi Don,

I have lost, and even thrown away lots of files over the years...we all
have. I kick myself and promise to back up, and part of the time do it
again. I have mostly learned my lessons, like everyone else, the hard way.
But I do have the vast majority of my files backed up as many as five
different ways these days...

You are correct that the process of rebuilding a website is to "start over"
with Pub 2000, which is what you and I use. However, you can open a html
file in Pub 2002 and 2003. This means that you can download your site and
open it one page at a time in Publisher and Save As a Pub doc. David
Bartosik describes how you can use this to your advantage to rebuild your
site in the article I referenced. So with 2002 and 2003 you don't exactly
have to start from scratch...its easier than with 2000...but still a pain. I
just hope the OP has a relatively small site...


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