How do I drag and drop tabs exactly onto the ruler divisions


Robin Guy Sharman

The ruler in Word 2003 displays inches subdivided into eighths (or
centimetres subdivided into quarters). When working with 'inch' rulers, if I
try to drag tabs onto the subdivisions they will only place at the following
intervals: 0", 0.05", 0.11", 0.16", 0.22", 0.27" and so on, neatly missing
almost all the ruler subdivisions! There is a similar effect if the ruler is
set to centimetres. I can't even drag and drop onto the whole inch divisions!

Of course, I can place the tabs accurately using the Format/Tabs dialogue,
but when creating complex tabs on multiple lines I really want to be able to
drag and drop tabs onto the ruler subdivisions without having to open the
tabs folder for every darned tab.

Interestingly, in word 2002, tabs can be dragged and dropped onto the inch
subdivisions (but still not onto the centimetre subdivisions!)

Is it possible to configure the tab drag and drop interval?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

From the Drawing toolbar, Draw | Grid: set the grid interval as desired.
Also note that you can set tab stops precisely by pressing Alt while
dragging the ruler markers.

Robin Guy Sharman

Suzanne - thanks - that indeed did the trick - you're a treasure, and no

Best regards,

Robin Sharman

Charles Kenyon

Hold down the Alt key when moving the mouse pointer. Be careful, though, you
can also drag menu items off the menu by holding down the Alt key.
Charles Kenyon

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