How do i edit the title bar text? - MS Publisher 2003


Daisy & Jethro

I believe that the when the index page is initially setup, the option to
place info on the title bar text (very TOP BLUE bar of web page, yes?) is
available but I can't seem to be able to edit later, nor do I find any
reference to TITLE BAR in any help section. Please Advise.


My best guess at what you are asking is that the name of the Publisher file
that is opened in Publisher is reflected in the "very top blue bar" of
Publisher. If you want to change the name of the file, you do that just as
you would any file name, and then the next time you open it, it will reflect
the new name. But this has nothing to do with the index.htm file or the way
the web pages will be named when you produce them by Publish to the Web.

You can change the names of the individual pages in a web publication by
going to Tools > Web Page Options. You would change the File Name. And while
you are on that dialog, you can also change the Page Title, but that appears
on the Pub publication.

So, hopefully that maybe will lead you to an answer, cuz otherwise your
question is clear as mud to me. Maybe some one else will understand what you
are asking, or perhaps you can try different words to describe what you are
talking about...




I believe they are asking about the title that can be edited in notepad or any text editor
sample below

<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">

<title>Page Title</title>




Thanks. That makes ;-)

In Publisher to "edit" the title, you need not edit the code directly. To
edit the title for a Publisher web page, you go to Tools > Web Page Options.
The "Page Title" information on that dialog will be the title in the
code...and is what is displayed in the "very top blue bar" of IE.

So I think you are right. That is probably what the OP was asking. Thanks



I believe they are asking about the title that can be edited in notepad or
any text editor
sample below

<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">

<title>Page Title</title>


Daisy & Jethro

David, Spike,

Thanx for the quick responses. Yes I think I could have made it a little
clearerer that I meant "the final product being a WEB PAGE produced by MSPUB
and the title bar that appears atop the IE, FireFox, etc., browser window"
but hey, I had like 3 beers and a baby to watch...good combo, or no?

After about an hour I figured that I would need to edit the HMTL codes via
wordpad. The 2nd option that David mentioned is not available. Only the name
that PUB identifies will be affected, not the title page; as far as i know,
since I am just updating a page I already created, and the existing text in
that dialog box is different from the text that appears in the existing
active web page. I will try but I don't think that will solve my prob. I
believe that I had to add/edit the HTML & meta tags the first time I

OK, i just thought of something else...sorry for the rant. When publishing,
an INDEX.htm(l) FILE is created alongside a FOLDER that holds all assets of
the info (pix, page files, etc) to be used within the site. The html code
does not accurately "see" the folder name (index_files) and thus I cannot get
the site to work unless i remove all references to "INDEX_FILES" in the HTML
code in the INDEX.htm file via wordpad


and move ALL files from the FOLDER to the same directory as where the INDEX
file is located. Anyone else notice this? MSPUB2003.

Anyway, thanx again for your assistance!



Perhaps I should have drank a few before I tried to understand what you were

See in-line response:

Daisy & Jethro said:
David, Spike,

Thanx for the quick responses. Yes I think I could have made it a little
clearerer that I meant "the final product being a WEB PAGE produced by
and the title bar that appears atop the IE, FireFox, etc., browser window"
but hey, I had like 3 beers and a baby to watch...good combo, or no?

After about an hour I figured that I would need to edit the HMTL codes via
wordpad. The 2nd option that David mentioned is not available. Only the
that PUB identifies will be affected, not the title page; as far as i
since I am just updating a page I already created, and the existing text
that dialog box is different from the text that appears in the existing
active web page. I will try but I don't think that will solve my prob. I
believe that I had to add/edit the HTML & meta tags the first time I

No...if you go to to Tools > Web Page Options and change the "Page Title"
information on that dialog, the next time you Publish to the Web, the code
will reflect the change....and will be displayed in the "very top blue bar"
of IE. You just have to replace the old html files on the server. Publisher
is not an html code editor. To make changes in your website, you go back to
the original Publisher file, make the revisions and produce new html files
to replace the ones that are on the server. Changing the code in the html
file will not be reflected in the Publisher file, and generally should be
avoided as you would then have to make the code change everytime you

OK, i just thought of something else...sorry for the rant. When
an INDEX.htm(l) FILE is created alongside a FOLDER that holds all assets
the info (pix, page files, etc) to be used within the site. The html code
does not accurately "see" the folder name (index_files) and thus I cannot
the site to work unless i remove all references to "INDEX_FILES" in the
code in the INDEX.htm file via wordpad


and move ALL files from the FOLDER to the same directory as where the
file is located. Anyone else notice this? MSPUB2003.

Once again, you have things mixed up, or I am not reading you right.
Publisher by default does create an index.htm file or your home page, plus
an index_files folder that contains the supporting graphics for that page,
plus any additional pages and supporting graphics. The code on the home page
looks to the index_files folder for the graphics and other pages if there
are any. As Spike said, you can opt not to use the supporting folder, though
the dialog looks a bit different in Publisher. Go to Tools > Options > Web
tab and uncheck the supporting folder option. This is fine, but then you
will have all files outputted together, and it can mean a pretty messy
directory, especially if you have a lot of pages and images. Publisher 2000
doesn't even give you the option of a subfolder. Most people who use Pub
2003 find the use of a subfolder easiest.

Bottom line you should not have to edit the code directly which ever
approach you take. If something is not working correctly on your site, then
it is probably something else. You just have to understand how Publisher
works. Perhaps if you read this article you can get a better idea:
Prepare, publish, and maintain your Publisher Web site:

Good luck.


Daisy & Jethro

Alrite, let's see... to clarify, I am discussing changing the text that
appears the title bar, NOT the URL.

First, Thank you Spike for pointing out the uncheck option. That was cool. I
have produced a couple of sites with PUB and each time, the same thing
happens. I publish to a local folder, then FTP the files to my host server.
When i access the site, none of the links work. I figured it out by reviewing
the HTML & removing the INDEX_FILES command in the INDEX.HTM (open
as>wordpad> save) file only and moved all files to the same directory. It
works fine.

When I unchecked that box, however, the newly punlished page name (ie:"/about.htm") displays "/index_about.htm", and no longer has its own
extension name for that individual page. I would like to keep the "index_"
out of the url for the particular page that is open. How do I do that now?
The "Page Title" (see below) has not changed.

Once again, thanx for your response, however, see in-line:

Daisy & Jethro

OK, check this out!

I changed the "description" line in

Web Site Options (also by rt click on the page tab itself bottom of

to reflect what I thought would change the title bar. Here's the new code:

<meta name="description"
content="Motor Notary - Mobile Notary Public - Orange County, CA
<meta name="keywords"
content="mobile notary, orange county notary, motor notary, notary public,
california notary">

You would think that the text above would display, yes? However, after
replacing the file in the FTP directory, and refreshing the page, the text is
still the same as the OLD file, which is now in the trash can on my desktop!
My website is:

the Portland, OR info is still atop the page, yet there is NO reference in
the HTML code whatsoever to that text! WTF?!?!?! Is there a ghost in the

Daisy & Jethro

Ahhhh hahahahahahahaaaa!


I got it! None of this had to do with PUB After all! I suck! Once I sober'd
up this morning, I rember'd that my web host has a Meta Tag Generator on
their friggen site. I was editing the HTML and still no change. I had NO idea
that the host overrides the code...WOW. Anyway, thanx for your support. I am
still looking for info on removing the "index_" from the URL, Spike, if you
have that info, since I opted out of the subfolder option. I don't want to
have to do that for each page within the code...

Thanx to both Spike and David for their support. David, you post ALOT!

Have a great holiday season all.


Glad you got that part figured out.

As per the naming convention, and your issues with the supporting folder,
perhaps after reading the article I referenced, it is more clear about how
Publisher names the additional pages in a site, and the supporting graphics.
If you use the supporting folder option, Publish to the web and choose
"index.htm" as the file name for the home page, then the supporting folder
will be called "index_files". If you chose to call you home page
"default.htm" (and I am not suggesting you do), then the supporting folder
would be named "default_files". You indicated some where in this thread that
you had problems getting this to work correctly...that the links didn't
work. I suspect that is because you didn't include the name of the folder in
the link path. Or, its possible that you did not upload the folder intact to
your site, but instead uploaded just the contents.

If you choose to use the supporting folder, the additional pages will be
given an arbitrary name such as "Page320.htm". If you choose to use a custom
file name like you did such as "About.htm", then that is what you will get
if you use the subfolder option. However, if you do not use the subfolder,
and you use "index.htm" as your default home page, then your About page will
be called "index_About.htm". There is no way around this. That is how the
coding engine works in 2003. So, if you want only "About.htm" then use the
subfolder option, and upload the index.htm file plus the index_files folder
INTACT. Don't upload just the contents. It will work. If you have to edit
code, then you are doing something wrong.


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