how do I email excell



I'm assuming you're asking how to do this using macro code rather than just
manually via point and click.

Below is some code I used to generate and send a e-mail using a macro.

' Show the envelope on the ActiveWorkbook populate the specified
fields and send e-mail
ActiveWorkbook.EnvelopeVisible = True
With ActiveSheet.MailEnvelope 'Opens a blank MS Outlook e-mail letter
.Introduction = Range("U14") 'Cell U14 on the worksheet contains
the text that will go in the body of the note.
.Item.To = Range("U15") 'Cell U15 on the worksheet contains the
addresses of those to be included on the mailing.

.Item.Subject = Range("U16") 'Cell U16 on the worksheet contains
the text for the subject line of the note.

.Item.Send 'Sends the note
End With

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