How do I enter data in a custom field?



I've created a custom number field and cannot enter any data in the field. My ultimate goal is to track units produced and units sold over the life of a project that spans 3 to 5 years. Unit totals range from 100 to 2500. Is a custom field the way to track this progress? Can I enter data into a custom field

Mike Glen

Hi Steve-in-Austin ,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You should be able to enter numbers in a number field. I suppose that you
haven't put a formula in there ?

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Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on:)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


All I had to do was choose the appropriate field name. Duh. The column definition field name defaults to "ID", which is the system assigned table row number and does not allow data entry. The help file and knowledge base did not provide the answer since the help text says to "specify a field name...", and I let it pick the system default of "ID". The field name drop down would work better for first-timers if it defaulted to "<specify a field name>". Anyway, it works like a champ.
Thanks again

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