Hi -Elle, Here's a copy of a post that I published the other day to a guy
named John about "Potential Tasks." The desktop version of Project does not
have a risk register. We use a separate database and then a spare text
column in Project for a RiskID that matches between the database and the
schedule. I have a white paper on it. Here's the other post:
John, you are talking about conditional branching. If certain conditions
met, then execute tasks 10,11,12 and 13. Otherwise go from task 9 to task
No way to do that really, unless you know what the conditional branch
trigger is. A companion product to Project called Deltek Risk+ (Pronounced
Risk Plus) allows conditional branching only during Monte Carlo simulation.
Try this, assuming the "potiential tasks" are lines 10-13 and they daisy
chain, then keep those tasks. Link 9 to 10 using FS. Link 14 back to 9
using FS. So you now "Fork" your schedule logic. The default is you will go
8-9-14-15... The path 9-10-11-12-13 will leave 13 hanging out in space and
not drving anything.
If the conditions for your branch are met, then re-link 14 to 13 and break
the 9-14 link. Task 14 marches to the right.
Careful with your resource loading and baselines. Project has no way to
know if you want these tasks to be excluded from the roll-ups. The costs
will be included ($, work hours, resource availability, etc. are all
impacted). Cell formating is only possible in P2007 so you may have to
to using font colors or underscores.
You could do this with some VBA, but the VBA has to know the logic of when
to branch and that has to be in the code. Something tells me this branch
condition is externally triggered so you will have to do it manually.
If this post was helpful, please consider rating it.
Jim Aksel, MVP
Check out my blog for more information: