How do I expand the width of the taskpad view in the Calendar?



In the Outlook Calendar, I selected View --> Taskpad, which displays the
Taskpad in a pane on the right side of the Calendar. The Taskpad is the
width of one month's mini-calendar - which is too small to read anything
meaningful in the subject line of each task. I am unable to resize the
taskpad view by dragging either side of the view (this only serves to
increase or decrease the width of the calendar itself), right clicking on it,
etc. Any ideas?

Judy Gleeson

Go to the edge of the Date Navigator nearest the Calendar and drag it to the
left by about 3 cm - it will only "jump" a month's width - you probably
haven't dragged far enough to the left.

Judy Gleeson
Acorn Training and Consulting
"we're nuts about Outlook"

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????> In the
Outlook Calendar, I selected View --> Taskpad, which displays the

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