How do I export a picture from word to .jpg file format?



I have an image in a word file, but not .jpg. I need to convert or export the
image to .jpg file. Is this possible? Thanks

Tony Jollans

If you copy the picture to any graphics program (even Paint, I think) you
should be able to convert it - and save it.

If you have Word 2003 you can copy the picture and Edit > Paste Special >
JPEG over itself. If you save the document as a Web Page, all the images
should be stored individually in a separate folder.


Saving the doc as a webpage (putting the images into a file folder) is
exactly what I needed. Thank you.

Terry Farrell

Download a copy of IrfanView. This free graphics editor will convert between
virtually any graphics format as well as a host of other useful editing.

If you need to export a large number of graphics out of your document, save
the document as a web page and it will split the document into text and a
separate file for each graphic.


Simply save it as a web document; the graphics will become separate JPG's.
File Save As, choose htm or html. Then go look for the pics; they might be
in a new folder Word makes for you; depends on settings.


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