It is fairly simple to write a macro to do this.
This one exports budget and actual cost to a txt file you can open in excel.
It can be modified to export other stuff as well.
Sub Cashflow()
Dim mystring, MyFile As String
Dim jStart, jStatus, jEnd As Date
Dim fnum As Variant
Dim jPeriod As Integer
Dim myBCWS, myACWP As Currency
Dim myTask As Task
MyFile = "c:\" & "Cashflow_" & ActiveProject.Name & "_" & Date$ & ".txt"
fnum = FreeFile()
Open MyFile For Output As fnum
mystring = ActiveProject.Name & " " & ActiveProject.LastSaveDate & " " &
Write #fnum, mystring 'write project info
Write #fnum, ' Write blank line.
jPeriod = 7 'select time reporting period 1 = 1 day, 7 = 1 week
jStart = ActiveProject.ProjectSummaryTask.start
jEnd = ActiveProject.ProjectSummaryTask.Finish
jStatus = jStart
myBCWS = 0
myACWP = 0
Do While jStatus <= jEnd + jPeriod
ActiveProject.StatusDate = jStatus
myBCWS = 0
myACWP = 0
For Each myTask In ActiveProject.Tasks
If Not myTask Is Nothing Then
'use flag 20 to control items you don't want to export
If Not myTask.summary And myTask.Flag20 Then
myBCWS = myBCWS + myTask.BCWS
myACWP = myACWP + myTask.ACWP
End If
End If
Next myTask
mystring = jStatus & ", " & myBCWS & ", " & myACWP
Write #fnum, mystring 'write project info
jStatus = jStatus + jPeriod
MsgBox "export complete"
Close #fnum
End Sub